Granola, Bread & Pasta, Oh My! (Giveaway Post)

As per usual, I hope your week is off to a great start. The weather has been really nice so far, but I hear the humidity is on its way! I don’t mind the humidity much…I’d rather be hot than cold (which is a good part of the reason I moved to SC). What about you?

I wanted to show ya’ll a few of the eats that have come out of Itzy’s Kitchen this week. First off, I made up another Charleston’s Cafe rip off parfait at home using the other new flavor of Galaxy Granola, Hint of Honey:


The parfait contained granola, vanilla yogurt & strawberries. I bet Rose could come up with a good breakfast story about this parfait:

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Since we were already out of my Vegan Multigrain bread,  I decided to bake up a different loaf. This time, I chose this easy Whole Wheat Molasses recipe:

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And lastly, I love making up easy pasta dishes in the summer months. I used this recipe and used asparagus instead of cauliflower, added fresh lemon juice and zest, and pine nuts.


What have you been cooking/baking up this week? Any fun new recipes (links would be great!)?

And my usual Workout Wednesday (Tuesday) Question: How are your workouts coming this week? Mine are as follows:

  • Monday: Quick run to warm up, taught Body Pump
  • Tuesday: Taught Body Attack
  • Wednesday: Quick run to warm up, Teach Body Pump
  • Thursday:  Teach 45 minute Body Step, 45 minute Body Pump
  • Friday: Off
  • Saturday:  Teach Body Step
  • Sunday:  Off

And last but not least…did you see my last post where I reviewed my new slow cooker from the CSN stores? Do you want to win a $50 promotional code to use towards your own CSN store purchase (this code will not cover shipping and or international fees, so please look for ‘free shipping’!)? To enter, go to the CSN stores website and leave me a comment below letting me know what you would purchase. You DO NOT need to have a blog to enter! Entries must be received by Thursday (June 10) at noon. The winner will be randomly selected and announced on Friday!



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