Avale kadi

Hey!!! Hope all are doing Fit and fine!!!
Last week was Superb!!! I just loved every day of it… :D And this week its back to normal… Missing miy sweet heart but at the same time enjoying Amma’s cooking.  Last night I was just womdering If U guys have forgotten me or missed me??? M sure Missed me!!!!!
So here I am with a interesting and a Authentic Amchi dish.
My Mamama made it when we were in Mumbai… but I couldn’t post the recipe then.. And when Amma made it for lunch yesterday I thought I must not postpone publishing this recipe.


Avale Khadi/ Gooseberry Khadi
We need:
Gooseberry – 3
Fresh scraped coconut- 1 small cup
Red chillies – according to spice(I used 3)
Garlic – 10
Oil/ghee – 1 tbsp
Cook gooseberry until done.
Now deseed them and grind it along with coconut and roasted red chillies into a very fine paste.
Remove this mixture into a deep bottom vessel, liquefy it into a thick rasam or daal consistency and heat it.
Add salt to the khadi.
In a small pan heat oil/ghee and fry crushed garlic. And temper it on the khadi.
Boil it for 3 minutes and switch of the flame.
Hot Avale khadi is ready to serve.
Tastes Super with White Rice.


Tastes Yum Yum Face Eating Yellow Smiley Decoration Images when u add lozza loveYellow Smiley Face In Love Decoration Images in it.
Till my next post miss me,


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