Pulled Pork, Corn Bread, Pole Beans

The first day back after a long weekend is always a tough one - I hope yours wasn’t too bad!

After work today, I prepped dinner and got laundry moving. On Monday, I had cooked up some Pulled Pork in the slow cooker to use for a few of Josh’s meals throughout the week. His dinner tonight includes bbq pork, cooked pole beans, fruit (leftover breakfast banana), and some cornbread that I made up this afternoon. I used a Mark Bittman recipe.

For myself, I prepped pole beans, peppers, tomatoes, corn bread, and pinto beans that I cooked up with some chili powder. I will probably also cut up either some cantaloupe or an apple with some delicious nut butter!

Edited to Note: I prepped dinner early as I had to teach Body Attack tonight :)
I really enjoyed reaching the goals I had set for myself this weekend, and decided to set a few for this week.

Goals For the Week:
  • Get at least 6.5 hours of sleep per night (I realize this is low, but I’ve been really bad about getting enough sleep..baby steps ;))
  • Take a walk with Josh
  • Spend at least 15 minutes a night just relaxing (not blogging, doing house work, cooking, etc)

How was your day back after the long weekend?


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