
You all had some great sounding dinners last night! From Jenna and Lauren’s soup and grilled cheese to Caroline’s stuffed squash, you all provide me with such great ideas/inspirations!!

After I taught Attack last night(Tuesday), I came home and had to do lots of work. I ended up staying up until around 11:30 finishing up. Today was another crazy/busy day! After working hard without a break for 9 hours, I left work and came home to fit in a run. I did a quick just over 6 mile run in the sunshine:

...showered, squeezed in some dinner (Acorn squash topped with honey, pinto beans, peppers, and an apple with lots of un-pictured nut butter ;)):

and then got right back to work! I finished around 11 and then figured, while I'm up, I'll do some house work! I did some ironing and vacuuming (so glad Josh can sleep through pretty much anything ;)) and just now sat down to blog!
Tomorrow I am taking a day off from working out, as my Body Pump training starts on Friday (YIKES!). I am looking forward to some afternoon napping. Do you have any fun weekend plans?


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