Quick & Easy Vegetarian Bowl

Last nights dinner was a tasty and easy one! I saw Jessie post about her go to Vegan Protein Bowl and it made me crave my own favorite quick & easy vegetarian (or vegan) bowl. I usually make this dish by roasting my vegetables, but I went a slightly different route last night so I could use my new steamer insert that my friend Mandi gave me for my birthday.

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I chopped up a parsnip and sweet potato…

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and steamed them up…

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I mixed the steamed veggies with Bush’s reduced sodium pinto beans…

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and Success Brown rice. The mixture was topped with salsa. For a little extra yum factor, I usually place shredded cheese on top.

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Delicious & healthy.

And for workout Wednesday, here is my plan for the week:

  • Monday: Ran to warm up, Taught Body Pump
  • Tuesday:  Taught Body Attack
  • Wednesday:  Ran outside
  • Thursday:  Teach 45 minute Step, 45 minute Pump
  • Friday: Off
  • Saturday:  Teach Body Step
  • Sunday:  Walk with Lindsay

What is your favorite healthy meal? Any workout plans for the week?

Happy Birthday to my sister, Kim!!!! (Her birthday was yesterday but I didn’t post!)


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