Long Run & Dinner Out

Hi guys! So glad you all enjoyed the squash seed “recipe” in my last post! They were delicious and it was a great way to use up the squash seeds that I would normally throw away.

Due to OT I put in this weekend, I was able to take today off! I used today to get my to do’s done. I completed the following:

  • Cleaned the whole house
  • Ran my long run of the week (9 miles):

  • Laundry/ironing
  • Little shopping (2 new pairs of work pants and undershirts for Josh, 1 pair of gym capris, workout socks, and new black flats for me- all on sale at Kohl’s)
  • Food store
  • Dry Cleaners
  • Caught up on blog reading
  • More gym choreography

Right after I got back from my run, it started POURING and has been doing so all day.

Josh and I met up with friends for dinner out at Liberty Tap Room.

Josh had the cutest beer sampler:

There weren't a lot of veggie friendly options. I got a sort of lame salad (so I'm finishing up dinner by eating at home ;)):

Josh got a big ole man burger:

I'm going to snack a bit more and then its off to bed! Look for a fun giveaway tomorrow!!


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