Friday: Up early and out the door by 6 am. Drove to Virginia for the wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. The dinner was Hawaiian themed and was held in a park. It was very laid back and a lot of fun.
Josh (right), Groom (center), Josh's friend Andrew (Left):
Saturday: Up early again and snuck in 6 miles on the gym treadmill before the wedding. The groomsman and groom messing around pre-wedding:
Josh and I (there were like three cameras clicking away here so we're both looking at different ones haha):
One of the best parts of the wedding was that Josh's parents were also invited! Here is a picture at the cocktail hour of Josh's parents (left), Josh, and two of Josh's friends, Ryan and Michelle:
The reception was a blast filled with good food and dancing. Below is a picture of Josh, me, and Josh's parents:
and Josh and his friend Andrew:
They provided the BEST vegetarian dish I have ever had at a wedding. Veggies and a phyllo purse filled with Israeli couscous and more veggies all served with a black bean sauce(YUM!):
Sunday: Since I knew I wouldn't have enough time either this am or this pm to fit in my entire workout, I decided to divide it up. I hit up the hotel gym for three miles running on the treadmill before we left for SC. Upon returning home, I went food shopping, did another three mile run outside, and did TONS of laundry. We also picked up Franky and I gave him a bath.
Our friend Jeremy came over for dinner. He and Josh had burgers and grilled fries:
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