Whole Wheat Molasses Bread, Three Ways

Friday! Isn’t waking up Friday morning just one of the best feelings?

First things first: The winner of the CSN Stores $50 promotional code is…. Lauren at Health On the Run !! Congrats Lauren- please send me an email (itzyskitchen at gmail dot com) and I will get your code sent to you. Didn’t win? Don’t worry- another giveaway is coming on Monday! Also, both Sabrina at Rhodey Girl Tests and Jenna at  Petit Foodie-are hosting fabulous giveaways!!

I wanted to share with you a few of the recipes I have made using this whole wheat molasses bread. I must apologize for the first few pictures. Josh and I went out for a walk/run on Wednesday night and ended up walking for a little too long. By the time I was finished cooking dinner, it was already 8:30. Hungry=rushed pictures=bad pictures.

So the first meal was done on the grill. His:

Pineapple Turkey Burgers

(I made two mini burgers for Josh with this recipe, adjust for however many people you are cooking for)


  • 1/3 lb organic ground turkey
  • ¼ cup pineapple, chopped
  • 1-2 tablespoons bread crumbs
  • 1 teaspoon Caribbean citrus seasoning (or whatever seasoning you’d like- note, I got this seasoning for free)


  • 1-2 slices of cheese
  • 2 pieces whole wheat molasses bread (or bread/roll of your choice)


Mix first four ingredients. Form two mini burgers & grill until cooked through (no longer pink)

Top with cheese and place burgers on top of some whole wheat molasses bread, grilled up(I sprayed my bread with some cooking spray prior to grilling).


Hers (note, I used Zesty’s recipe minus the honey and parsley):

Pineapple Grilled Cheese


  • 1-2 slices of cheese
  • 2 pieces whole wheat molasses bread
  • 1/4 cup diced pineapple (or sliced if you prefer)
  • Hot sauce


Grill up bread on one side (I sprayed my bread with some cooking spray prior to grilling). Flip bread, top with cheese, pineapple & hot sauce. Finishing grilling until cheese is melted.

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Again, these were both much tastier than they look haha. Grilling the bread was just awesome. It really brought out the flavor.

Lastly, I used the bread again Thursday night to make vegan French toast. On top of the toast, I placed some chopped up nectarine that I had mixed with a little stevia. Eggs on the side:


Oh and I’ve been working on my parfait making skills some more ;)

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What are you up to this weekend? I have to teach Body Step Saturday, have shopping plans with my Mom and some hang out time with friends!!


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