A twisty Salad

Hey guys hope all ya enjoyed the weekend!!!  Saturday was total fun nd Sunday it was more of rest :P.

The weather isn’t tht good. Its rainy cloudy nd sometimes sunny too…… I hate such a moody weather….
I always love salads in any form…. I sorry we can eats bowls nd bowls of salads…skipping my food….
So here is something more in our normal salad….. how about fruit??? Oranges cooool isn’t it?
SO here is the simple recipe for the salad

2 cucumbers peeled and chopped
2 tomatoes washed and chopped
2 onions peeled and finely chopped
2 oranges peeled and deseeded and cut into small pcs
1 green chillyalit into 2
Juice of half lemon
Salt to taste
Coriander leaves washed and chopped finely
Add all the crunchy veggies in a salad bowl…. Now add salt,green chilly, and lemon juice and mix well… add Orange and coriander leaves at the end and toss well…..
Healthy salad is ready to serve.

Will be bac with more healthy recipes soon….
Tastes Yum Yum Face Eating Yellow Smiley Decoration Images when u add lozza loveYellow Smiley Face In Love Decoration Images in it. 


Take care,

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