Friday: 6 mile run then Josh and I flew up to Philadelphia and met up with his parents and sister at the airport. We headed into Philly to pick up his brother who is going to medical school. Yes ladies, he is available ;)
Then headed to dinner to celebrate Josh's Mom's birthday:
We passed out afterwards and slept in on Saturday (it was HEAVEN). We headed to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. I got the awesome fruit and yogurt combo (low fat yogurt with granola, an apple, grapes, and an apple bran muffin (I only had a few nibbles of the muffin then passed it along to Josh and his bro to finish ;)):

We headed back to the hotel and I rocked out another 6 miles on the treadmill before heading to the wedding. Josh and his mama:

The wedding was beautiful. I didn't get a lot of pictures because my camera died! The whole thing was held outside which was a litttttttle cold for this South Carolina girl. Me (freezing) and Josh during din din:

We headed back to the hotel and I rocked out another 6 miles on the treadmill before heading to the wedding. Josh and his mama:
The wedding was beautiful. I didn't get a lot of pictures because my camera died! The whole thing was held outside which was a litttttttle cold for this South Carolina girl. Me (freezing) and Josh during din din:
We got up this morning, I ran another 6 miles (not sure how this became my daily routine this weekend), got some food and then headed to the airport. I went food shopping and then picked up Franky. I gave him a bath and since that time he has been passed out on our bed (guess he had a wild weekend at the pet hotel ;)). Now I am trying to catch up on blogs and eating some yummy food. How was your weekend?
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