Tomato and Avocado Sandwich

These last few posts I've been feeling a little decieving to you the readers. My blog is mildly advertised as a healthy food blog, but lately I've been having so much fun baking sweet treats. However, now that it has hit me that I will be in a swimsuit soon, you should be getting a lot more healthy dishes from me...but no promises! :-)

There is absolutely nothing complicated or even original about this sandwich. The only thing special about it is that it's one of my favorites. I LOVE the combination of tomato and avocado, it's healthy, it's light and it's vegetarian friendly. Growing up as a kid I was very stuck on the idea that if it didn't have meat, it wasn't worth eating. But now I have a lot of fun trying new dishes that are meat free and loving them. I'm not a vegetarian, and I have nothing against eating meat, but sometimes it's fun to switch it up for a fresh and clean dish with fewer calories.

The ingredients to this sandwich are pretty much what you see. Bread, tomato, avocado, mayo. But there are a few musts when making it. You must use wheat bread, the wheatier the better. You must toast it, lightly. And you must salt and pepper both your tomato and avocado. And in my case, you must enjoy with some good background music and a Diet Coke!

Here's to a healthy summer!

Also, to my wonderful food friends out there, I'm sorry I haven't been so prompt in commenting. This week has been oddly busy for our family, but I'm very excited to see what you're all up to, so I'll be back very soon!


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