Weekend & Post Pregnancy Update (Week 4)

How was your weekend? Ours has been busy (in a good way!). Friday, I took my first post baby Body Pump class (whooop!), baked & ran errands. Friday night we hit up dinner with Mandi & Bryan:


and Josh’s parents:



Saturday was more errands and lots of baby time! We took Kaylin over to Josh’s parents to “swim” for the first time. They have a salt water pool and the pediatrician said it was more than ok to put her in it! Hooded towel:


With Daddy:


Close up:


With Mimi:


Letting her toes hang loose:


She actually loved the water- I was shocked! Saturday night, we went to a wine tasting party. I made two different kinds of bars and mozzarella stuffed turkey meatballs for the party (info to come tomorrow).

This morning, I went for a run and now we’re off to brunch with friends!

Post Pregnancy Update (almost 4 weeks post partum):



Still feeling stronger each day! I have hit a bit of a weight loss “wall” and I know now will be the time I will have to put more effort into getting those baby pounds off. I wore a bikini for the first time on Saturday and freaked out a bit when I saw the pictures. I know patience is the key and that it took 10 months to put all this on….but its hard to not let it get to you! Josh has been amazingly supportive through my freak out moments Winking smile

Kaylin is still doing great! Sleeping like a champ and doing wonderful in social situations. We are so blessed!

What are you up to today? I hope everyone has stayed safe through these crazy storms!


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