Hey folks all who were wondering about m disappearance here is waiting a sweet news… Our Dream Girl has arrived on the 3rd of February and we have named her Manya. Our lives have changed forever and I am are currently enjoying the task of motherhood.

For the Kheer we Need:
100gms soft white Makhanas(Lotus Seeds)
100gms soft white Makhanas(Lotus Seeds)
1 tsp ghee
5 cups milk
4 tbsp sugar or as desired
1 tbsp shredded almonds
1 tbsp grated pistachios
1 tsp green cardamom seeds (crushed)
5 cups milk
4 tbsp sugar or as desired
1 tbsp shredded almonds
1 tbsp grated pistachios
1 tsp green cardamom seeds (crushed)
How to make kheer:
- Cut makhanas into halves and put it in a saucepan along with ghee.
- Fry over a low heat for about 5 minutes.
- Add milk and sugar and stir well.
- Leave to simmer for about 1 hour, until milk reduces to half and of a creamy consistency.
- During this period stir from time to time so that milk does not sticks to the bottom of pan.
- Now add almonds and pistachios and leave for further 10 minutes
- Sprinkle crushed cardamom.
- Serve the makhana kheer hot or cold, as desired.
With a lovely post its time to say bubye!!!!
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