Thanksgiving in Nashville- Part 1

Hi guys! How are you? I have missed you all so much. Based on everyones posts, it sounds like you all had a great Thanksgiving. I did as well! I have so much to share that I decided to break my Thanksgiving weekend into 2 posts.

  • Ran a mile and taught Body Pump
  • Hopped in the car and drove the 10 hours (due to traffic) to Nashville. We saw some fun signs on the way:

  • Arrived at Josh's parents house and enjoyed an incredible dinner of roasted veggies, black beans, and wedge salads (she also cooked up some steak for the meat eaters):

  • Dessert at one of the MOST incredible frozen yogurt places I have ever been to, Sweet CeCe's.

  • I got pumpkin (oh my gosh amazing) with chocolate sprinkles:

  • Josh got original tart and pumpkin with kiwi:


  • I woke up early to fit in a great 7 mile run on the hills of Brentwood:

  • The rest of our Thanksgiving was pretty low key and relaxing:

  • We enjoyed a fabulous dinner (I didn't capture pictures- I know, what was I thinking?)
  • At midnight, Josh's Mom and I headed out for the start of our Black Friday shopping (Josh's mom is the BEST shopper and so much fun):

  • The mall was CRAZY busy:

After shopping, I came home and crassssshhhed. More tomorrow!


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