Sausage Pinwheels

This is a staple at our house or where ever we are on most holiday mornings. My family loves them - especially Jenna. I have been enjoying these for years. A tradition from when I was younger - we would gather at Libby and Ronnie's on Christmas morning as we were headed out of town to Texarkana, TX to my grandmothers. We did this for years - so great seeing friends on Christmas morning. Libby would always have sausage pinwheels for breakfast. Libby made the dough from scratch but I have found over the years that canned biscuit dough works great too. I love it that I can make these ahead and keep them in the freezer. My girls would love it if I made these on a monthly basis. I don't have an exact recipe as cans of biscuits tend to change sizes but I will share with you the best I can.

Sausage Pinwheels

2 cans Grands biscuits
1 lb roll breakfast sausage

Take one can of biscuits and flatten them, pinching all seams together forming a flat 14inch or so rectangle. Spread half a roll of uncooked sausage on top of uncooked biscuit rectangle; Roll up lengthwise - jelly roll style; Wrap in wax paper and freeze. Repeat this with the other can of biscuits and the other half of sausage; When ready to bake, soften slightly for about 15 minutes and slice about 1/4 inch thick and bake at 375 degrees for about 15 min or until lightly brown. Serve with your favorite jam or jelly.

* I know of friends that add cream cheese to the sausage mixture.. or parmesan cheese

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