A Few of My Favorites & Protein Report

How has your week been so far? I hope its coming along nicely! Mine has been very good but busy! First off, I have seen a few bloggers sharing lists of their favorite products and I decided to hop on the bandwagon. Note: I purchased all of these products on my own with the exception of the Flax. I try to stay away from a lot of processed foods, but do have a few new favorites including, Stevia in the Raw (yummy in coffee):

Unsweetened Almond Breeze - both chocolate and vanilla (I use this in my protein shakes and drink on its own, heated with cinnamon!)
Bumble bars (the nutty pack rocks!):

Pizzey's Premium Golden Flax. I won this through a contest on Emily's Blog. I am loving this flax (I use it in my granola, oatmeal, yogurt, etc!):

Last but not least! Josh had a dinner meeting tonight, so I decided to treat myself to Carrabba's Insalata Fiorucci. According to Carrabba's website, this salad contains "Artichoke hearts, roasted red peppers and grilled eggplant in vinaigrette, topped with a hazelnut goat cheese medallion." I got it without the roasted red peppers and added my own raw green pepper. I'm not a big chain restaurant fan, but I love this salad! I also ran into a reader when picking it up- Hi Carrie!! (hope I spelled your name right).

Totally delicious! So there ya have it! What is on your favorites list lately? Any new favorites?

One more quick item, as I noted in previous posts, I'm working on increasing my protein (at least 75 grams per day). My totals for last week:

  • Sunday (7th): 76 g
  • Monday: 93 g
  • Tuesday: 81 g
  • Wednesday: 76 g
  • Thursday:86 g
  • Friday: 79 g
  • Saturday: 83 g
  • Sunday: 75 g

Wahoo! How are you doing on your goals? Workouts going well this week? I have a pretty heavy teaching schedule again so the extra protein is defintely helping me kick my way through it :) Have a fabulous night


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