Karibeva Pitti

*Karibevu* Curry leaves ar used in most of the South Indian dishes…so here I have something using tht…..I have always tasted chutney pitti vch amma nd mamama( mom’s mom) made never thought of trying though as I m not fan neither AC of this…:P.

But my hubby is sumwatfond of this……I add sumwat bcoz he can have it once until its empty next time I say shall i….I m sure il get the answer no….u just made it some time bac :P.


He has been telling to do this chutney pitti from such a long time nd I was taking it off my ears…….yest I just felt lemme do it for him as he is asking me so much…..so without much of a chick pick I did it….Phew!!!!!.......I wont feel bad any more :P.

I have a Jaya. V. Shenoy book I reffered tht nd even asked my mom….even referred Divya’s blog. Nd about Jaya.V.Shenoy’s book m sure most of the konkani’s have it vth them……..she has all the Konkani recipes A-Z……Nd u kno the best part is My hubby got tht buk when he came here…afterall he had to cook…..Most of the gals when they get married carry this buk( luks it’s a must) vth them……he he he I too bought it (though I knew cooking I got it bcoz if I burn my hands I can rely on this buk :P).


Ok now to the recipe

I used:

Dry coconut/copra/kobri/dessicated coconut –1 cup

Red chillies – 15

Tamarind – a small ball

Curry leaves – 12-15 springs

Channa Dal – 1 tsp

Salt to taste


Dry roast all the items except for tamarind nd salt.

Now grind all the ingr….including tamarind and salt into a fine powder

Cool it nd store in a air tight container

Remains fresh for more than a month….you can even store it in fridge remains fresh for long time.

Nd to add it tastes Yum with Pej/Konji/Ganji, tastes gud vth idli,dosa too.

Tastes Yum Yum
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