Taikile Chutney

A good Memory to go with this Chutney…. During those kiddo days I  remember my mamama(mom’s mom) making awesome chutneys of variety of leaves and they used to to taste Heavenly and we(aunt and me) used to relish it so much tht now We(pachi n me) miss it like crazy. She used to grind it on the grinding stone and not the mixer grinder(it wasn there then :P) and tht smoothness wud never come if ground in mixer. But now as mamama is old nd doesn use the stone I don’t get to eat such chutneys… but without forgetting Amma makes it for me now grinding on the stone(on spl request J ) and I relish it.
It so happened that when I was in Mangalore Suma had come down to my place with her sweet lil daughter Smera and I remember her relishing this chutney and telling Amma tht its very tasty J J J. She literally enjoyed it and my mom was very happy.
Not to forget Suma had got me some sweet goodies…. Which was Yummm and she even got mango pickle which was lip smacking J J J.
I cud not get a click when i was in mangalore... and when I came bac here i was lucky enuf to find it in the marketJJJ Soon I made this chutney and m posting it now 
Now Facebook has various food site in vch Konkani Amchi Food is one. There we find Yummy dishes and get various information about food and ancient cooking. 
I heard the Taikilo is also known as Negro Coffee…  and the information was Given by Pravin D Kamath maam  from KAF and was found in Ashwini’s Blog.
The first picture is mine it is after removing the stems of the leaves. 
And the second picture(the bunch in hand is Taikilo) is contributed by Pravin maam. Thank U so Maam.

Now ok after so much of this and that here is the recipe for chutney
1 bowl of washed  and drained taikilo
½ cup of scraped coconut
2 tsp of jeera/cumin seeds
Red Chillies – 3
Tamarind a small piece (may be a slice)
Ghee to fry – 1 tbsp
Heat a pan add ghee and add jeera, red chillies and  coconut and fry till the coconut is semi roasted. Now add  the taikilo leaves and fry until leaves have  changed their color.
Allow it to cool down and then grind it with tamarind into a fine paste.
Transfer it into a bowl add salt and mix well.
Taikile Chutney is ready to Serve.
This chutmey can be made into kadi too… I will post the recipe soon.


Serve this chutney with dosa or have it as a side for Rice.
Its simpley superb.
If any one of u (non Amchi’s) recognize the leaf then do tell me the name I wud be obliged to know.
Enjoy cooking Enjoy Eating.
Tastes Yum Yum Face Eating Yellow Smiley Decoration Images when u add lozza loveYellow Smiley Face In Love Decoration Images in it.
Recently added info...... one of a person has commented on this tht it is also known as Cassia Tora and yeh it is check it out here


Time to say Buybye
C ya Soon,


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