I <3 the 80’s & Blog Friends

When you first started reading blogs or writing a blog, did you ever think you would develop real friendships from it? I always thought of “internet” friends as totally dork/something I would never do. I must admit, my thoughts on this topic have completely changed!!  Through blogger meet ups and multiple emails with other food bloggers, I have really developed some incredible friendships. One of those friends is a blogger named Sarah, whose blog was one of the first I read on a regular basis. Her recipes are incredible and I keep a few of them (including her granola and bundles) in my regular cooking/baking rotation.  This week Sarah sent me the most thoughtful package from TJs:



I can’t wait to try the Seaweed Snacks and Fiberful Ends & Pieces!! And I already had a nibble of the dark chocolate with hazelnuts (amazing).  Thank you so much Sarah. Have you developed any noteworthy friendships through blogging? Any bloggers in particular you’re especially glad you “met”?

Monday night, we had the Body Step 80 launch party. I made up some of Sarah’s granola for the other instructors:


Then I got geared up and headed out. I rocked a sweat band, side pony, cut off shirt and kiddie leg warmers. A couple pictures from the launch:




It was an absolute blast!

How are your workouts coming this week? Since its Workout Wednesday Tuesday, here is my plan

  • Monday: Taught Body Pump (AM), Step Launch (PM)
  • Tuesday: Teach Body Attack
  • Wednesday: Off
  • Thursday:  Teach 45 minute Step, 45 minute Pump
  • Friday: Off
  • Saturday:  Teach Body Step
  • Sunday: Teach Body Pump

Enjoy the rest of your day!!


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