V8 Soup Review & Artichoke Sammy

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The weather in SC today is nuts! There were thunderstorms and tornado (!) warnings throughout the day. Luckily, I was able to fit in a 6 mile run outside before the second set of massive downpours.

After my run, I ran out to do a few errands and got some laundry/ironing done.
For dinner tonight, we finally tried the new V8 Garden Vegetable Blend soup I received a few weeks ago. I cooked it up and added some beans for additional protein. I had mine with a side of more veggies and fruit:

And some TJ's Corn Tortilla flats

On the side of Josh's soup, he had an artichoke and cheese sandwich. I roasted up some artichokes with a little olive oil and some spices and put them on top of a toasted roll:

I then topped the sandwich with cheese and put it under the broiler to melt:

All together now with a little pineapple:

The new V8 soup is FANTASTIC! Its thick (I love thicker soups) and filling. I loved the flavor. Run out and get yourself some today!!
Random question- if you had some extra money this holiday season, what would you get for yourself or someone special? Is there a new gadget you’ve been wanting? Or an extra special gift you’ve been wanting to get for your significant other or family member?


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