M: RR’s Recipe #2…Portabella Cacciatore

So I mentioned in my last post that my goal right now is to make all 10 of the top 10 recipes of 2010 from the Rachael Ray Show. I’m super stoked about my little personal goal and so far the results have been fantastic!

Can I please say that about 8 years ago when my husband and I first started dating, he loathed mushrooms. Fast forward to January of 2011 and his favorite pizza topping is mushrooms and best of all, he’s eating an entire meal made out of portabellas! I’m so proud =)


This is the second of the 10 Rachael Ray recipes I’ve made and this meal really turned out amazing. I mentioned some of these recipes were a little outside of my comfort zone – this one was one of those meals - a portabella cacciatore.


I have never made a cacciatore before, much less with mushrooms being the main ingredient. But, OH the flavors of this dish! The mushrooms with the red wine and veggies, spices, and tomatoes..seriously, this was amazing. And the hubs couldn’t stop ooing and ahing over it. He ate it for dinner and leftovers for lunch the next day!


Make this recipe…you might be as surprised as I was at how much you like it! Speaking of, since I wasn’t sure how well this dish would go over, I cut everything in half so as to not waste a lot of food if we didn’t like it. That was the only major change I made.

This recipe is a little long, so for your sake I won’t write out the recipe =) But, if you’d like it, just visit miss Rachael Ray here. If you like mushrooms, I promise you will love this dish!


Are you a mushroom fan? Have you ever made a dish or tried something you never had before and it’s now one of your favorites?


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