They are bursting with vitamins, extremely light and easy to digest and great as an all time snack, yes! I am talking about sprouts, any kind of sprouts, chana, mung-dal, or any bean.

Method of making sprouts-There are two different methods one is the traditional method ,in which you just tie up the dal/bean in a clean muslin cloth and keep sprinkling water every few hours,within 2-3 days the sprouts will be ready, a relatively new way is using the sprout maker(see pic below), this is a steel dibbi (container) with several small holes in it on the top,sides as well as the bottom ,you put the dal/beans in it and just keep dipping it in water or putting under running water so that water seeps into the holes ,in two days sprouts are ready, any way you make them do try and include this source of vitamin C in your diet.


the sprout-maker                


 light and crunchy- sprouts salad


  • Add chopped tomato,onion and cucumber,sprinkle lemon juice and chaat masala ,saute lightly ,makes a refreshing salad (see pic above).
  • Serve this salad on top of fried papad, cut into triangles, serve immediately
  • Toss a handful into fried rice/noodles/soup
  • Add it to yogurt with tomato, onion, salt and pepper- delicious raita is ready
  • Make regular onion-tomato masala add sprouts ,garam masala and salt, serve with chapatis and yogurt for a complete meal
  • Grind alongwith dosa batter for an extremely nutritious dosa
  • Combine with any leafy green vegetable like amaranth OR
  • Just enjoy them raw and crunchy as shown below
           15092007389                                                                   mung-dal sprouts  


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