Fiesta Turkey Meatloaf, Sweet Potato Love

Happy September 1st all! I cannot believe that it is September and that tomorrow I will be 27! Craziness! Last night, Josh and I did run out to Lowe’s to pickup our new Weber grill! I am so excited to put it together and get cooking ;) You all had some awesome grilling suggestions including:
  • Veggies in aluminum foil pouches a la Fitnessista (Gina uses evoo, sea salt, garlic, pepper and fresh rosemary on her veggies)
  • Salmon
  • Amanda likes grilled zucchini with a little olive oil, Parmesan cheese and seasonings (go to her blog to check out her BEAUTIFUL wedding pictures)
  • Pineapple, peaches, plums
  • Turkey Burgers
  • Janetha likes grilling corn in their husks. She opens the husk, brushes the corn with some olive oil and sprinkles them with seasoned salt, wraps them back up, and throws them on the grill
  • Swordfish
  • Shrimp
  • Asparagus
  • Allie likes veggie burgers cooked on the grill and topped with guacamole
  • Sweet potatoes

I lost my crabby attitude and had a good day today. Work seemed to fly right on by. I came home, did some laundry, and prepped Josh’s dinner. I decided to play around tonight and made him a Fiesta Turkey Meatloaf (ole!). Here is my on the fly recipe:

¼ cup diced onion
Olive oil
½ a 15 ounce can of pinto beans
¼ tsp chili powder
¼ tsp cumin
½ lb ground turkey
1 egg white
½ cup defrosted corn
2 tablespoons Tomato Sauce or Salsa + more to top
½ cup Bread Crumbs

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and spray a loaf pan or cookie sheet.

Heat up a few teaspoons of olive oil on the stove, add onion and cook over medium low heat for about 5 minutes. Add in pinto beans and chili powder/cumin. Cook for a few more minutes, remove from heat, let cool.

Mix egg white and salsa/tomato sauce. Once the onion/bean mixture is cool, combine it with all remaining ingredients. Feel free to play around with amount of salsa/tomato sauce and bread crumbs until you get your desired consistency. Pat mixture into loaf pan and, if desired, top with additional salsa/tomato sauce. Bake for 35 minutes or until cooked through (no pink).

Tonight, Josh ate this as a loaf and tomorrow I plan to make him a meatloaf sammy lunch. On the side he also had a plum & steamed green beans.

After the prep work, I hopped out the door to teach Body Attack. When I came home, I made my veggie friendly dinner of a baked sweet potato topped with refried black beans and salsa.

On the side you know I had some fruit!

Did anyone read this article about milk? Interesting stuff! Have a WONDERFUL night :)


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