Galaxy Granola Giveaway

Hello All! Thank goodness for Friday! Since I am supposed to headed to the Les Mills quarterly today (not feeling too hot right now…), I figured it would be the perfect time for a giveaway! I’ve talked about Galaxy Granola before and how I love their fruit not fat message.

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  I’ve used the granola to make bars and beautiful at home parfaits (Maple Pecan Quinoa granola, vanilla yogurt and a pluot):

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And now you too can try Galaxy Granola:

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To enter, leave me a comment telling me your favorite parfait combination. For additional entries, join the Fruit Not Fat blog on Facebook and Twitter and leave me a SEPARATE comment letting me know you did so.  You DO NOT need to have a blog to enter. This contest is open to residents of the US and Canada only. The winner will be selected randomly and entries must be received by Monday, August 30 at noon. Good luck!


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