I feel so reenergized after this weekend! I got in a little extra sleep (thank you peanut!), got in two great runs (and Josh got in extra with with Kaylin), ate some tasty meals & cooked!
Sunday night was man’s night in our house (aka the night Josh has the guys over). I had seen Renee make crockpot bbq beef and knew it would be a perfect meal for man’s night. I altered the spices a bit, but followed her directions otherwise. I think my crockpot must be a super crockpot, because after 6 hours, my 3 lb chuck roast was probably a little over done. I cut it up (rather than pulled it apart) and added in the sauce. Luckily, the guys liked it just fine! I put it on top of baked potatoes with cheddar and served fruit on the side.
Thanks for a great recipe Renee! Next time, I will have to take a little cooking time off .
Since I’m not a beef fan, I had some of my 17 North leftover pasta and a big salad. Delicious!
Ready for the week?
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