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Summer fruits have flooded the Indian Market and I just had a couple of luscious juicy lychees, my favorite fruit since I was a child.It is one of those fruits, out of which very few things can be made and tastes best left alone, yesterday Gagan got 2 doz. Mangoes, peaches,bananas, and of course lychees and the refrigerator is overflowing, in the same order I want to make- Mango cheesecake, peach crumble and banana bread...but hate to think that making all that means eating it too and last week's cheesecake is already jiggling on my hips!

I think I will pass all this up for some guilt free Sugar free oatmeal cookies, at least I will fulfill my cravings and feel like a good girl afterwards...???

Can I have a teensy weensy slice of cheesecake now :)???(little girl voice in me!)

OKAY, OKAY.. Gotta be STRONG and not give way to TEMPTATION...

I made these with Sugar free "Natura" (low calorie sugar substitute powder concentrate), which is basically Sucralose, a derivative of sugar, the advantage of baking with it is that it is heat stable which means you can cook or bake with it without any loss of sweetness.The bottle comes with a tiny spoon for measuring, and one tiny spoon is equivalent to 1 tsp natural sugar, the bottle contains 200 spoons of the powder, I like the taste better than any other sugar substitute.Here is the list of Ingredients-

  • Wholewheat flour-1 cup

  • All purpose flour-1/2 cup

  • Quaker Instant oats-1/2 cup

  • Butter- 4 tbsp.

  • Raisins- a handful

  • Vanilla essence-1 tsp

  • Sugar free natura- about 5 tiny spoons (measure with the spoon provided in the bottle)

  • Baking soda-1 tsp

  • Milk- as required


Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl, rub in the butter with your hands add as much milk as needed to knead into a smooth dough, shape into balls and flatten with the palm of your hads, place on foil lined cookie sheets and bake till golden brown on top..Enjoy with a cup of coffee for some guilt free snacking.

My friends at work loved these and so did my diabetic father-in-law, my husband tasted them and never noticed that I had used Sugar free!For me they win hands down as they are high fiber and low cal and most important thing they take care of my sweet tooth!


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