Spicy Egg & Potato Bake

Yummy eats always make the work week a little bit better, don't they? I've been enjoying all kinds of good stuff including homemade parfaits with vanilla yogurt, apple chunks and Quaker's Rice puff cereal:

I also enjoyed a great spicy egg & potato bake. I used the rest of my purple potatoes from the farmers market and based my recipe on this recipe from Naomi's fabulous blog.
3-4 small purple (or red) potatoes
1 egg, 2 egg whites
Chopped pepper & onions (or other veggies as desired)
¼ teaspoon red pepper (may want to try this with 1/8 teaspoon the first time around)
¼ teaspoon chili powder
2 tablespoons shredded cheese
Cooking Spray
Salsa, ketchup, etc to top

Ahead of time, place potatoes in a pot, cover with water. Bring to a boil and cook ~6-8 minutes until potatoes are still tender but hold their form. Remove from heat, drain, slice.

Spray a loaf pan. Place cooked potatoes, onion, pepper (you can also sautee the onion & pepper ahead of time for more flavor), and other desired veggies in pan. In a bowl mix egg, egg white and spices with a fork. Pour egg mixtures over vegetables. Top with shredded cheese. Bake at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes.

How are your workouts coming this week? My plan is as follows:
  • Monday: Quick run to warm up, taught Body Pump
  • Tuesday: Taught Body Attack
  • Wednesday: Either off or quick run
  • Thursday: Teach 45 minute Body Step, 45 minute Body Pump
  • Friday: Off
  • Saturday: Teach Body Step
  • Sunday: Off

Enjoy the rest of your week! Make sure you take some time to appreciate your life and the wonderful people (and animals ;)) around you!


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