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I have a whole list of stuff you don't get here in India, like blueberries or asparagus or for that matter mascarpone...Sometimes I wish for the really little things like maybe hundreds and thousands...and all that lovely cake decorating and yummy eating stuff that is so readily available abroad! Top of my wishlist is filled chocolates aaahhh..

Anyways you can imagine my happiness when I came across Vera's recipe for homemade mascarpone cheese... and it turned out sooo beautifully

The minute I added the lemon juice to the gently heating cream, you won't believe it-I got a whiff of CHEESECAKE! So that's what I made...no kidding here :)

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I had an eye on Abbey's infamous cheesecake , ever since the daring bakers took it up and with mascarpone at hand who could stop me?I took the recipe from Sunita's World which can be found here.The only change I made was the addition of 1/2 cup chopped luscious mangoes, and another half a mango, sliced for the top..., super soft, light, creamy and delicious is all I can say about this divine cheesecake...

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This cheesecake is off to Poornima, who is hosting my event this month-These are a few of my favorite things:Cheese, thanks dear, and to Neha who is hosting MBP-Mango masti, event started by Coffee of Spice Cafe


The pic above -I topped the cake with some more sweetened mascarpone and chopped mangoes....oooooh yummy!


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