Heather’s Crock Pot Pineapple Meatballs

First off….I don’t read directions well…I wasn’t supposed to post my Secret Recipe Club post until today (whoooops). SO, as a reminder, here is my post on Fallon’s Special Pancakes.


Second, Tina is doing a blogger bake sale today to benefit Team for Kids. Go over and bid on one of the yummy baked goods…maybe my cookies?

Here we are at Monday again. Did you enjoy your Sunday? We had a great day that involved Target, brunch outside (!!) with friends, a little yard work, a nice walk with Josh, and work around the house. Wonderful :)

For dinner, Josh’s friend Jeremy came over. I knew I hadn’t made Josh anything with ground beef in a while (although I’ve gone non-veg during my pregnancy, I still can’t do beef…), so I figured it was about time to make him some red meat. I had seen Heather’s awesome looking recipe for Crock Pot Pineapple Meatballs and I followed the directions exactly. I served the meatballs over Target’s Cilantro Lime Rice (if I had a few extra minute I would have made Maria’s much tastier looking version ;)):



and there were plenty of cookies for dessert. Great recipe Heather! The boys loved the meatballs.

Anything exciting going on this week? I have a baby doctors appointment & baby class. Other than that, usual teaching, gym & work!


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