Thank you (as always) for the very sweet comments on my baby shower pictures!! Like I said, the shower was just perfect and I am so thankful for my wonderful family & friends.
After a busy weekend, this week has been full of easy meals. One of my most favorite meals I had this week was an easy crab salad. I originally saw the idea for this salad in a magazine, but I accidentally threw out the magazine & recipe, so I improvised.
Easy Crab Salad (makes 2 large salads)
- 6 oz crab meat, canned/cooked
- 1/2 can black beans, drained & rinsed
- 2/3 cups frozen corn, defrosted
- 6 cups of bagged spinach or spinach mix
- ~1 serving tortilla chips, crushed
- Dressing: 2 parts lime juice, 1 part olive oil, sprinkle of chili powder (adjust quantities based on how much dressing you want)
Split spinach between two plates. In a large bowl, mix together remaining ingredients, including dressing. Top spinach with remaining ingredients. Serve up!!
This was a great salad! In fact, I had a repeat the next night ;).
Josh isn’t a fan of cold crab, so I made him up crab nachos. I used similar ingredients (minus the spinach plus lots of cheese):
What is your favorite easy salad? Weekend plans?? We are taking this weekend to get lots of things done around the house and to RELAX a little bit. I can’t wait! Josh and I are trying a new restaurant out tonight.
Pregnancy VLOG to come on Sunday. I will be answering one reader question and will be talking about the gestational diabetes test I had to take this week. As a side note, I felt adventurous yesterday and put together the Pack n’ Play (thanks again Mandi :)) for the first time. It took me thirty minutes…but I have a feeling I’ll be able to get that thing apart and together in 10 minutes flat once I get used to it. Frank was very interested in what this new, crazy device was for:
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