Blogger Act of Kindness (BAoK)

It is a beautiful Friday here in Charleston. I hope it is nice where you are as well. First off, I wanted to send a big thank you to Kristina from Stonyfield for sending me this lovely Oikos package (you've probably seen this around blog world already...but its just so darn cute):

Oikos yogurts, wrapped up like chocolates:

I tried the caramel yesterday at work and I am in love! The yogurt is just lightly sweet- kind of reminded me of a caramel macchiato. It is a fabulous dessert yogurt! Stonyfield has lots of exciting things going on this month, including a contest to win a trip to a Vermont organic dairy farm during fall foliage season. Check out more info here.

I have been thinking a lot about how great foodie blog world is and was thinking about how I could show my appreciation. I came up with the idea of a Blogger Act of Kindness (BAoK). Is there a certain blogger out there whose posts you always look forward to? whose recipes just rock? someone who always makes you laugh? Let them know! You can do this in a number of ways: 1. Send them an email just letting them know what they mean to you, 2. Send them a card, 3. Send them a little goodie, or 4. Anything else you can think of! If you end up sending a BAoK, let me know. Shoot me an email (with pictures if you have any) to Itzyskitchen at gmail dot com. I sent my first BAoK to a blogger who I think just rocks! More info to come....

One last thing. I have to attend a work event with Josh tonight, so I got a sub for my Body Attack class. This left me with some open time this morning to squeeze in a run outside!!!! I rocked through 6 miles in the heat- felt wonderful. I am SO ready for summer, how about you?

What are you up to this weekend?


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