M: Toasted Almond Coconut Granola

So I've been a little MIA the last week or so...I won't lie...I don't feel TOO bad about it...Why? Because we're giving our kitchen a pretty big facelift =) So, when you have wet paint and empty cabinets, you definitely don't want to be splattering all over the place. Seeing as how there has been no cooking, this post won't be very long. Just a little of this and a little of that.

There has been lots of takeout...A little of this:

And a little of my favorite soup from Five Loaves (tomato tarragon with crabmeat - so yum):

And lots of other things too - non-homemade things. So, given that I cannot use my kitchen, I am beginning to go through cooking/baking withdrawals. But, again, I'm ok with it. Hey, it's nice to take a break every now and then...especially if it's forced on you =)

However, there is one little recipe I wanted to share because this stuff is fantastic. I mean, it's the best granola I've made to date. It has stayed super crunchy and made enough for breakfast parfaits for the entire week, which was great for us since we haven't been able to cook breakfasts! It's Joy the Baker's Toasted Almond Granola with just a couple of modifications.

My favorite part of this granola? I believe it may be the addition of the coconut - but I love the large amount of almonds and the cinnamon hints and the fact that it maintains its crunchiness no matter what you do with it!

My only changes? I nixed the 1/4 cup of oil, added 1/4 cup applesauce, and added about 3/4 cup of dried cranberries just after baking because I just cannot have granola without some sort of dried fruit!

The outcome:

Seriously, try this stuff...It is sooo tasty! Just go to miss Joy's blog here!

Enjoy! Happy Tuesday!


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