ICBINB Fridge Makeover & Oatmeal Cookies

Happy Sunday!! What are you up to today? I am getting ready to go brunch with a fellow blogger (more to come!!). Should be fun stuff :)

Recently, I received a fun Fridge Makeover Kit from the folks at I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. The kit included a reusable shopping bag, grocery shopping gift card, cleaning sponge, a disposable camera, grocery list note pad and fun recipes.

How often do you clean out your fridge? I try to give mine a general wipe down every week, but I'll admit...I only clean out the full fridge every great once in a while.

To get started on my fridge clean out, I leaned on the guidance from the ICBINB team:

"As part of the Reach Right campaign, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter is dedicated to encouraging healthier lifestyles and healthier food choices. The Reach Right mantra is our reminder that healthier foods and recipes are doubly satisfying when they taste great. Enjoying nutritious foods helps you choose them more often. Veggies with lots of fresh herbs and flavor. Succulent fresh fruit. Nutty whole grain muffins. These are great examples of foods that satisfy your cravings and your drive to do the best for your health. Here are a few steps and supporting links to get you on the fast track to a happy, healthy fridge and a better health and better tasting food regimen:

1. Start with a clean-out! "

The before shots:

We were seriously lacking on produce at the end of the week:

So, I got to cleaning. Dirty drawers:

Clean drawers:

And then I hit up step 2. and went food shopping using my new bag:

Re-organized the fridge and filled it with lots of goodies:

and produce (this is only about 1/4 of our produce, the rest is in the cabinet/fruit bowl)!!

And hit up Step 3: Start Cooking/Baking!! ICBINB has some great recipes on their website, but I opted to make my Big Oatmeal Chip Cookies to give to my blogger friend at brunch:

I made half of the batch with chocolate chips and the other half with Nestle Toll House butterscotch chips:

And packaged them up in some of the fun boxes my MIL got me with my initials on them:

Off to Brunch at Charleston's Cafe! Enjoy your Sunday :)


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