E: Spicy Salsa, Jalapeno and Corn Crab Cakes & Giveaway

Hope your week is going well!! Mine has been nice so far :). Monday=Taught pump & walked, worked, ran errands, cooked & baked. Tuesday= AM workout, work, met up with my Mama for coffee:



& cooked.

On Monday night, I decided that I wanted to switch up my usual crab cake recipe and add salsa, jalapeno, corn and spice!! I loved the flavor, but they were a little crumbly. The recipe below is the one I followed (this serves ~3 people (2 cakes each)), but I put suggested adjustments next to the measurements:


  • 8 oz lump crab meat, drained
  • 1 egg white  (next time I would use 1 whole egg)
  • 1/2 tbsp. lime juice
  • 3 tbsps. salsa or tomato sauce
  • 1/2 jalapeno, finely chopped
  • 1/3 cup corn (frozen, defrosted or fresh)
  • 1/8-1/4 teaspoon chili powder (up to you!)
  • 3 tablespoons (next time I would use 1/4 cup) + 1/2 cup panko or regular bread crumbs or crumbled crackers
  • Olive oil or non-stick spray


Gently mix all the above ingredients in a mixing bowl, leaving out the panko and crab meat for now. Mix in three tablespoons (or 1/4 cup) panko. Next, gently fold in crab (being careful not to break it apart too much). Place mixture in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes to firm up.


Spread remaining panko on a plate. Remove crab mixture from fridge and drain off any excess liquid. Form crab mixture into thick patties (slightly smaller than hamburgers) and lightly coat them using the panko. Place patties onto a skillet lightly coated with olive oil or sprayed with non-stick spray (I used non-stick spray). Cook on medium for ~ 3 minutes on each side. Place on top of a salad, on a bun, or eat alone with a side of veggies.  J’s plate with potato & cauliflower/broccoli mix:


Closer shot of the cakes:


My plate:


Giveaway time! Since enough people showed interest, I’ve decided to do a guess the babies sex giveaway!! To enter, simply leave a comment below letting me know if you think its going to be a boy or a girl. Based on the correct answer (which I do not know yet ;)), I will use a random number generator to pick the winner. You do not need to have a blog to enter and the contest is open to US residents only. The winner will be able to pick their desired home baked goodie (vegan almond butter chocolate chunk cookies, vegan chocolate, chocolate chip pumpkin muffins, peanut butter flour chocolate chip cookies or you can choose to be surprised!). The contest is open until Saturday, March 5 at noon.


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