13.4 & Thanksgiving in Nashville Part 2

Hope your Monday is treating you well!! Today is my last abbreviated day before going back to the usual work hours. One more quick note about today before I get to the end of my Thanksgiving recap: I got up this morning and taught Body Pump and then got ready for one of my last longer runs before my half. I knew I had to teach this morning, but this was the only day I could really fit it in. I ran 13.5 miles!!!!! I am super excited:

Ok, back to the recap.

  • Slept in
  • Got up and ran 7 miles

  • Lots of relaxing
  • Family pictures, Our Christmas card for this year:

  • Everyone:

  • Funny:

  • Me, Josh's Daddy, Jenny:

  • Matching vests anyone?

  • Dinner out. Here is Jenny enjoying her first legal cosmo out:


  • Started my day off right by meeting Heather from HEAB for the first time! She is even sweeter than I had imagined. Heather treated me to yoga at a gorgeous studio:

  • Then Heather gave Josh a massage! He said it was awesome!
  • After, Heather, CD (who is also super nice), Josh and I went out to lunch at Fido's in Nashville. Josh got an egg sammy:

  • I got a big bowl of fruit (I ate light as I was saving up for some TJs action, more info below):

  • And we both enjoyed Cafe Au Laits (so good):

  • Heather and I (thank you for such an amazing time Heather!!):

  • TJs!

  • I love TJs, I wish they would open in Charleston! I got lots of goodies, including many products you all recommended:

  • Dinner out

Sunday we drove 9.5 hours home! What a great Thanksgiving!! BIG thank yous to Josh's family for another great holiday.

I will be back later!


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