Ups, Downs, Spicy Acorn Squash & Baked Shrimp

Hello! How are you? HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2010 brings you all kinds of excitement. We had a very nice New Years. We were lucky enough to go to Duke for a tour of their basketball stadium and to attend a New Years Eve game versus Penn.

We felt very VIP getting to see the empty center:

And we enjoyed the game:

Unfortunately, Penn is nottttt very good.
Fortunately, Denzel Washington’s son plays for Penn and he was at the game ;). After the game, we had a fabulous dinner out:

And then brought in the New Year with a little party in our hotel rooms with Josh's family and friends.

Sadly, one of Josh’s “second moms” growing up past away last week. As a result, we took an unexpected trip up to Philadelphia for the funeral/wake. Such a tragedy, but we did get to spend some quality time with Josh’s friends.

We got back at 3 AM on Sunday morning and I spent the day catching up (gym, food store, laundry cleaning, Frank bath, lots of cooking). I passed out around 10:30 last night. When my alarm went off this morning…it sounded funny. I hopped out of bed to realize it was my phone ringing…not my alarm. Ugh- alarm did not go off and the gym was calling to tell me I had a full class waiting for me. I (VERY quickly) got dressed and drove to the gym in 10 minutes (some how) and still managed to teach Body Pump. I was upset...but I think my body was grateful for the extra sleep haha.

The rest of today has been spent working, running errands, and learning new choreography. For dinner tonight, I roasted up some acorn squash with some chili powder. I ate mine with eggs topped with salsa and (too much) Parmesan cheese. I also enjoyed a tortilla that I threw under the broiler and a diced apple. Not very pretty, but very tasty:

Josh had squash, baked shrimp and fruit.

For the shrimp, I dipped uncooked shrimp in egg whites and then tossed them with panko and chili powder. I put them on an oiled cookie sheet and baked them at 450 for about 8 minutes (turning once in the middle).

Everyone starting to get back on track with the gym after the holidays? My plan for the week looks as follows

  • Monday: Teach Body Pump
  • Tuesday: Teach Body Attack
  • Wednesday: Short warm up run and 45 minute spin
  • Thursday: Teach 45 minute Body Step, Teach 45 minute Body Pump, Body Step practice for launch
  • Friday: Off
  • Saturday: Teach Body Step and Launch Body Pump
  • Sunday: Off

What are you most looking forward to this week? I'm looking forward to getting my hair done on Friday- yippee! And then going out to dinner with Josh afterwards.


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