Thursday & Flat Out Pizzas

Glad you all enjoyed the cooking class post yesterday! Sounds like a lot of you out there are interested in learning some new cooking/baking skills (especially bread baking!). I found out about the cooking classes in my area via general google searches. They're a lot of fun and I definitely recommend you giving one a try.

Quick run down of my day yesterday: Worked, picked up my race packet (10k!),

ran myself through a Body Attack workout at home, made up some flat out pizzas. Josh had one with a “white sauce” (wasn’t really saucy- just olive oil, garlic, and oregano), mozzarella, prosciutto and artichokes and a second with a red sauce of marinara and buffalo sauce, mozzarella, and buffalo chicken:

I had a veggie version with a huge side of fruit and nut butter and totally forgot to take a picture! I also received a couple fun new products in the mail yesterday that I cannot WAIT to try: POM Pomegranate Kiwi and Pomegranate Nectarine juices:

Reviews to come. Hooray for Friday!! What is on tap for your day? I have the usual work, teaching Body Attack, and then out to dinner with friends. I am HOPING to get to bed early in preparation for race day (yikes!!).


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