Spicy Turkey Meatballs, Peanut Veggies, Squash Seeds

Hello! Thank you for all of the supportive comments regarding my potential upcoming schedule change.

Did you have a good day? I hope so! I woke up feeling 100% better (which was good because I had a big presentation at work today).

When I got home from work, I prepped our dinners. I Josh turkey meatballs (turkey, onion, parsley, garlic, S&P, sprayed with a little olive oil and baked at 350 for 12ish minutes (baking time depends on the size of your meatballs)). I put the meatballs on top of spaghetti with a spicy sauce (marinara and buffalo sauce mixed):

I prepped myself veggies with peanut sauce (and I plan to add a few hand fulls of walnuts to this later) and fruit:
After removing the seeds from my acorn squash last night, I knew I wanted to try and bake them up. I found various sources online on just how to make the seeds but went with the following method:

“Pick through the pumpkin/squash guts and save only the plump mature seeds, no strings attached. Soak them at least two hours or overnight in 2-4 tablespoons of table salt dissolved in 2 cups of water. Drain the seeds in a colander and blot with paper towels. Roast on parchment- or nonstick foil-lined baking sheet(s) at 250 degrees, stirring every 15 minutes, for one hour or until seeds are dry and barely golden.

Before baking, for every three cups of seeds, you could also melt 2 tablespoons of butter (or use olive oil) and stir in a teaspoon of any combination of spices like chili powder, garlic salt (if you only have garlic powder, use just a few shakes), cumin, cayenne, sugar, curry powder, cinnamon or Worcestershire sauce. Stir the seeds into the flavored oil until all the seeds are coated, then bake as above. (I found this on a forum)”

I used just a hint of olive oil and chili powder. The result:

Josh LOVES pumpkin seeds, so I know he’ll be a big fan of these. I'm off to teach Body Attack!!


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