It has been a really bad Winter, ever since it's onset I have been sick either with cold,cough or tummy upset.I dislike this cold weather and wish for warm, sunny days, sunlight seems to be so elusive and my body pines for it.
I feel really fit and active during Summer's but Winter's, I find totally debilitating.I also find myself dreading any kind of work at all, it's cold in the kitchen too!, so cooking for pleasure has also taken a backseat, only a quick essential meal is manageable.A few days back, on a lovely sunny morning I thought of making this pickle, since all the vegetables are in full season, I have loved this pickle since childhood, especially the one my naani used to make.It is sweet and sour, tangy and delicious, I love it on it's own with a parantha!

To make this pickle you require-
Cauliflower-1/2 kg
Turnips-1/2 kg
Carrots-1/2 kg
Mustard powder-2 tbsp
Vinegar-1/2 cup
Jaggery/gur/Sugar-250 gms
Mustard oil-1cup
Ginger paste-3 large tbsp
Garlic paste-3 large tbsp
Salt and red chilli powder to taste

Method-Wash and peel carrots, turnips and cauliflower, Cut carrots and turnips into longish pieces, separate cauliflower into florets.Dry in the sun for 2 days, or if the weather is cloudy, drain on paper towels and dry indoors for 2 days.Heat mustard oil in a heavy kadhai till smoking, let cool a bit.Fry ginger and garlic till golden, add vinegar, jaggery and rest of the spices.Add the vegetables and cook for 5 minutes, toss well, cool and bottle into clean and dry bottles.Keep in the sun for 2-3 days, your pickle is ready!Keep stored in the refrigerator, it will last several months.


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