Chinjabi the word comes from Chinese+Punjabi! ha ha!!,Isn't that what we are used to? :),the common Indian can find a chowmein stall at every street corner,and a newer version of every possible chinese dish in every mushrooming restaurant a common example being gobi manchurian,chilli paneer and so on....I guess now only a few of us are left with a taste for the authentic and adapting it to suit one's palate is the norm :), not that I am all for it, but what the heck, if it tastes good then it should not matter where it originated from!! At the end of the day it should just be a healthy, satisfying, fun meal for friends and family!RIGHT? Do YOU know of any CHINJABI DISHES??

chinjabi paneer1.JPG


  • Fresh cottage cheese(paneer)-250gms

  • Onion-(1 large, roughly chopped)

  • Tomato-(1 large,chopped)

  • Capsicum(1 large ,chopped)

  • Oil-2 tsp

  • Soya sauce- 1tsp

  • Chilli garlic sauce-1 tsp

  • Roasted cumin seeds-1 tsp(ground)

  • Salt to taste


Heat oil in a pan, add the onion,tomato and capsicum and stir fry till soft, add the rest of the ingredients and toss well, serve hot....

chinjabi paneer.JPG


This is a delicious quick fix dish excellent if you are not in the mood to cook or if guests drop by unexpectedly, can be made with tofu too, is excellent with chapatis or bread, great for fussy kids, leftovers can be used as a filling for sandwiches the next day!


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