Chocolate Chip Cookies with Stevia & Quick Mac N Cheese

Sorry for not posting yesterday! Between work, teaching Body Step, making dinner, housework, walking Frank, The Office finale, and more work...there was just no time!

Onto today! Happy Cookie Friday!! The combination of some free tester products from NuNaturals,Inc :

and Josh requesting some crispy chocolate chip cookies (so he can eat them in milk) caused me to make some more cookies this afternoon. I used this recipe and this product from NuNaturals in place of regular refined sugar:
For more information on Stevia, please see the NuNaturals website. There was also an interesting blog post on Stevia posted on the HealthyEats blog today. The baking result:

I will report on my main taste testers feedback when he gives them a go! Since I'm teaching Body Attack tonight and we then have plans to go to the movies, I knew dinner would have to pre-prepped. I made Mac N Cheese on the fly. My general recipe went something like this:
  • Make a rue using smart balance and whole wheat flour (or you could use butter and AP flour)
  • Add milk (I used skim). Cook until thickened (5ish minutes)
  • Meanwhile, boil up water, cook pasta, drain
  • Steam up some veggies
  • When rue/milk has thickened, remove from heat, add desired amounts of cheese and mix until well combined and cheese has melted. I also added some hot sauce
  • Mix together pasta, veggies, cheese mixture. Top with a little more cheese and bread crumbs and throw it under the broiler for a few minutes:
What are you up to this weekend? My plan is:

Today: Give Franky a bath, teach Body Attack, see Couple’s Retreat (can’t wait!!)

Saturday: Teach Body Step, food shop, relax/football, coffee with a friend

Sunday: 8 mile planned run and relaxing/football. I think my Aunt and Uncle are also coming over to hang;)


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