Body Step Launch & Slaw Salad

Today was a super sleepy Monday! I seemed to fly through my morning and coffee and had to run out around lunch to pickup a nonfat misto from Starbucks to help me push through my day. Anyone else feel groggy today?

Once work was through, I went home to take care of the Frankster and then ran some errands. Tonight we had our Body Step launch and we all wore pink in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month:

The launch went really well. I think the class liked the new routine and the banging music (nothing like a little Gaga, Britt and Beyonce to get you going). I came home, showered, and got started on dinner. I had been tossing around several ideas in my head all day and finally settled on a nutty coleslaw salad based on this 101 Cookbooks recipe:

Chopped cabbage
Broccoli Slaw
Any other veggies you have on hand (I used broccoli, cauliflower, green pepper, jalapeno)
Walnuts (or peanuts or almonds)- toasted or raw (I went raw)
Chopped Apple
Dressing: Olive Oil, lime juice, S&P

Mix together dressing and toss with veggies/fruit. Add nuts before serving:
On the side I had a toast Arnold's thin:

And a pear with a little nut butter.
How is your week looking? I am teaching quite a bit this week and sneaking in my longer run. I am excited/nervous to hit double digits. My workout plan looks as follows:

M: Body Step Launch
T: Body Attack Launch
W: Teach Body Step
R: 10 mile run
F: Teach Body Attack
S: Fitness Day at the gym (I will be coaching the Beep Test, Teaching part of Body Step (abbreviated), Taking Body Pump (abbreviated), and taking Body Combat (abbreviated)). A bundle of the instructors will be teaching and I think its going to be tons of fun

On a side note, did you all see this very scary article about the three half marathoners who died this weekend?


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