Body Step Launch & Easy Vegetarian Mexican

Hey All! Hope you're having an enjoyable week thus far. Yesterday night, we launched the new Body Step. It is a fun and FAST release. Few pictures from the launch:

I just finished up work and prepped our dinner for tonight, easy vegetarian quesadillas and "refried" black beans. For the quesadillas, I defrosted frozen corn and mixed it with black beans and chili powder:

I grabbed a bag of 2% milk cheddar cheese:

I then sprayed 1 tortilla with cooking spray and placed it on a hot skillet. I topped the tortilla with the cheese and then the corn/bean mixture. I sprayed a second tortilla and placed it on top of the mess, sprayed side up:

Cook until brown, flip, cook other side until brown. Remove from heat and cut into triangles.

I will serve the quesadillas with salsa and "refried" black beans. For the beans, I cooked up some chopped onions. I then tossed some partially drained, partially smashed (courtesy of my magic bullet) black beans, 1 teaspoon of chili powder and 1 teaspoon of cumin into the pan. Cook over low heat for ~ 5 minutes. The result:

Deliciousness! Now, I'm off to teach Body Attack. How is your week going in terms of workouts? Have you decided to try out something new this year? I encourage all of you to give group fitness classes a try! They basically give you a built in set of workout buddies, a trainer, and they can be tons of fun! Experiment with different classes and instructors. Let me know if you find one that you like, My workout week is shaping up as follows:
  • Monday: Taught Body Pump and team taught new Body Step
  • Tuesday: Teach Body Attack
  • Wednesday: Off
  • Thursday: Teach 45 minute Body Step and 45 minute Body Pump
  • Friday: Teach Body Attack
  • Saturday: Teach Body Step and Body Pump
  • Sunday: Off


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