A year of Love

Last year on August 22nd I changes from Ms. to Mrs……and was tied up with the World Best person……I must say he is my life......I remember each nd every moment we spend together today we cherished all the lovely moments….I had my best gift with me :P apart from tht Guru gave me something very very spl.


I was wondering wat shall I do for this day???? I asked my best buddy wht shall I do? I wanted to give him a Cannon Camera P10….but here I cudn go all alone (as it is not allowed) I was just like a fish without water :P…….I even asked Lubna wht cud I do?? She suggested me about a card nd a good décor…I had tht ready but I wanted something more apart from tht…. Then I decided to go for shopping vth guru and just skip once nd buy tht camers for him (Camera bcoz from past 5 months he is thinking of buying it but always told will buy later now I have a good Cam ne ways :P :P). As I thought I went for shopping and tried skipping but this guy was all the way with me then phew his colleague called him (thanks a lot to him) nd this guy was bz spking I ran to 3 4 shops but dint find tht model….:( now wht to do then I thought I will buy a gud watch…..I ran bac to Casio nd picked a watch for him and got it packd soon so tht by the time he is in the box is in y bag…but he saw a bit of the box he kept on asking whtz tht ….But m smart ain’t I? I told the sales guy to tell he just gave me a box nd he did so…

I will upload the snaps of the handmade flowers soon...Photobucket

Now for the cake I had to get a cake ready….vth wht I had bcoz everything had to be a surprise….I prprd a Pineapple Cake with Strawberry butter icing…but when I was applying the Icing my Sweet hubby was about to enter so I hurried to apply tht so it hasn come tht even…..:( but it hds tasted heavenly………. Everything is ready but he is in the room how to push him out….yeppppppy Idea I told him tht his fav show was going on nd he went out I kept the cake ready all his gifts nd had to make the most funniest reason for him to come In( not to be revealed :P) nd now time to cut the cake together…He was so happy for everything I did for him…. Luking at all his gifts he was over whelmed….After all this I was hungry so had my dinner….then had a great snore zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz until next morning…..


A bright morning…as if the sun was Inviting us with Love……the day starts nd we r on with the morning show – LUCK…..Really was a good movie. After all this our stomcahe started calling for food …….(as it is Ramadan all the restu….were closed until evening we cud not go out for lunch) so we planned for dinner….. to Movenpick

. I cooked something really simple as I had to keep my tummy empty for the dinner (As I always tell we eat like birds….sometimes even Lunch fills our tummy…nd we have just salad at nyt: P). We had a wonderful evening and a ever memorable one. I will cherish each moment.

He he he after all my stories I will post the Cake recipe ( it was really soft nd Fluffy…as I was hurrying I cudn manage with the perfect icing though L)…. I saw Upside down cake of Divya’s Blog , but I made them with egg nd it was not exactly upside down cake as did not place pineapple slices.

Here is what we need:

All purpose flour – 2 cups

Eggs – 3 ( instead of baking powder nd baking soda)

Pineapple essence – 1 ½ tbsp

Water – 1 cup (divs used 3/4th cup of milk)

Butter – ½ cup

Powdered Sugar – 2 cup ( I replaced sugar instead of milkmaid)

For Icing I followed her butter cream icing

Softened butter – ½ cup

Icing sugar – 1 ½ cup

Strawberry essence - ! tbsp (divs used vanilla essence and cocoa powder)

Pink colour – 1/2tsp


Preheat oven for 375* F.

Cream butter until fluffy add eggs one by one and beat for 5 minutes on medium speed until fluffy.

Add powdered sugar and mix well.

Now add flour lil by lil and without forming lumps, add pineapple essence, water and beat for 5 minutes until creamy and fluffy.

Grease a round baking tin and pour the batter into the tin and bake for 35 – 40 min or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.

Cool the cake for a while nd place it on a wire rack.

Now prepare for the icing:

Cream together butter and icing sugar until soft and creamy.

Add strawberry icing and pink food colour. And beat well.

Spread on the cake and and cool in refrigerator for some while.


Tastes Yum Yum Face Eating Yellow Smiley Decoration Images when u add lozza loveYellow Smiley Face In Love Decoration Images in it.

It made my day even more bright as I received some wonderful treats from Suma Of Suma’s Cuisine….she passed on me a bunch of awards.


Now time for a Tag

And here are some of the 'Tags' I received:

1. What is your current obsession?

Current one is Bloogging :)

2. What are you wearing today?

Capri nd a green top

3. What’s for dinner?

I have thought of preparing Fried rice nd munchurian ( I myt change my mind too)

4. What’s the last thing you bought?

Some fresh veggies

5. What are you listening to right now?

A medley of crow’s craw craw with a beautiful song from LUCK

6. What do you think about the person who tagged you?

Lovely person with a wonderful blog

7. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world ,where would you like it to be?

Any where my sweet hubby takes me….a forest will also do… :P

8. What are your must-have pieces for summer?

Cotton clothings.

9. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?

To my hubby’s office bcoz m missing very much now....:(

10. Which language do you want to learn?

Arabic….as its so difficult to communicate here.

11. What’s your favourite quote?

There are two ways of meeting difficulties. You alter the difficulties or you alter yourself to meet them.

12. Who do you want to meet right now?

My Parents and my hubby.

13. What is your favourite colour?

Any shades of purple.

14. What is your favourite piece of clothing in your own closet?

Each nd every piece of cloth in my closet is my favourite.

15. What is your dream job?

When I m into it Ill get back nd tell….( I remember when we had to prepare our moral science record in 5th std we had a gal in our class whose name was Aparna Prabhu nd her dream Job was to be a Housewife :P….tht time I was Aparna Bhat ).

16. What’s your favourite magazine?

There isn’t ne one as fav’s…I can read ne magazine which is interesting.

17. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?

I would buy sumthin lovely for my hubby .

18. What do you consider a fashion faux pas?

Heavy make up is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks.

19. Who are your style icons?

Everybody is stylish according to them so None.

20. Describe your personal style.?

A simple and Comfortable clothes luks elegant.

21. What are you going to do after this?

After all this I donno wht m I gonna do bcoz I never pre decide :P

22. What are your favourite movies?

I love ne movie which doesn get me bored.

24. What are three cosmetic/makeup/perfume products that you can't live without?

Face cream, Lip gloss nd of course Deo’s nd perfumes ( I cant live vthout this bcoz I feel my self incomplete without deo, nd my fav perfume is Nina Ricci)

23. What inspires you?

Many things inspire me…if I start I will never end :O

24. Give us three styling tips that always work for you:

Wear a comfortable clothing, apply some lip gloss and maintain ur hair well.

25. Which is ur worst subject in school/College?

I cud not stand social science subject in school.....myt be not bcoz the subject is boring but may be bcoz i dint like ne teacher who taught this subject everybody was Nuts....especially my 8th nd 9th std teachers.... I hope they read it...bcoz i want them to kno tht they have to improve atleast now (myt be they r retired donno :P)

26. Coffee or tea?

Depends if it is morning or evening.

27. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed?

I cry a lotz…….ne one can fill their buckets with tht :P.....i speak to my sweet hubby…..nd I m alrit

28. What is the meaning of your name?

Aparna is Goddess Parvati’s name (she got this name when she was meditating and fasting without even eating a Leaf to get lord shiva as her husband). I dint meditate though :P

29. Which other blogs you love visiting?

I love all each nd every Blog.

30. Favorite Dessert/Sweet?

Every time I eat something delicious I feel this is my favorite sweet…he he he…it all depends on my mood…but I can have chocolates ne time…..I know the taste of almost every chocolate…nd sometimes I m known as chocolate gal in college as I had atleast one chocolate in my bag :P.

I am adding 1 more:

31. 3 physical features you get complimented a lot?

:P my clolur, My million dollar smile, nd my straight nd sliky long hair.

**The rules are: Respond and rework – answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, and add one more question of your own. Then tag eight or ten other people.

I am passing the awards to all my lovely bloggie frenzzie as I know most of them have received this tag.


Padma Rekha

Divya Kudua






Congratulation gals and enjoy!!.

As this post is after my golden entry (50th post)……I wud love to get connected to more blogs nd love more nd more pepole visiting me nd dropping their lovely comments which wud make my blog get a good shine.

Signing of



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