Protein Review & A New Camera(!!)

First off, thank you all for your sweet comments on my 80’s gear from the launch. I love dressing up silly and will take any excuse to do so. I also enjoyed reading all of your comments regarding how much you love your blogger friends.

Since I don’t post all of the meals I eat, I haven’t shared with you my love for my occasional almost daily protein shake. Especially in the summer, there is nothing like a great shake post workout. My favorite protein powders to date are Optimum Nutrition’s Whey and Jay Robb’s egg white. Recently, I was contacted by Stephanie about a new website, America’s Nutrition. According to Stephanie, the website carries a very wide variety of products, from fitness gear to skincare (all sorts of goodies!!). Stephanie sent me some new-to-me protein power to review from Optimum Nutrition, 100% Soy Protein (disclaimer: I received this product for free, but the opinions below are my own).

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I choose the Strawberry flavor, as I’m a sucker for anything fruit flavored. This protein did not disappoint. Unlike most non-dairy protein powders that I have tried, it “fluffed up” nicely, creating a thick and delicious drink. The flavor was also awesome- tasting just like a strawberry milkshake. Again, unlike most other non-dairy protein powders, it did not taste super chalky. On my first sip, I could taste the soy just a bit, but didn’t notice it after that (or in any of the shakes I’ve had since then).

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Thank you Stephanie! If you’re looking for a great website to purchase supplements, protein powders, health and beauty items, etc- check out America’s Nutrition.

One last note before I go. I really appreciated all the feedback you guys provided on what kind of camera you use/recommend. I decided to go with a smaller camera, since I carry it with me on a daily basis. I got a Powershot SD1300 and am LOVING it. 

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Do you drink protein shakes? What is your favorite brand/flavor?


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