Long Workout, Quick Dinner

Phew! Hope you all had a wonderful day...this post will be quick one because I'm exhausted! After work, I got some things done around the house and took off for the gym. I taught 45 minute Body Step with my friend Kristen, took 45 minute Body Pump, and then we had Body Step practice for our upcoming launch for another hour or so. My belly was talking quite loudly on the way home, so I threw together the quickest dinner I could!! Sweet potato with white beans and salsa:

More papaya

I also consumed lots of almond butter with some crackers (un-pictured mmmm).

After reading this post about Osteoporosis from Inside I am Dancing, I remembered how important calcium is for women and that I NEED to start taking calcium supplements again. I ran out to Publix today and picked some up!

Ok time for some Twilight (did you all see the New Moon Trailer???) and bed with my boyfriend...

Have a great night- tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!


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