Buitoni, Weekend & ER

Hello! Sorry to have gone a bit MIA- this week and weekend have been a bit hectic. How has your weekend been so far?

Our weekend started off with a taste test courtesy of Food Buzz and Buitoni.  I received a coupon for a free (disclaimer!) meal for two from Buitoni and ran out to my local Publix to use it up. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any of the vegetarian Buitoni entrees, so I purchased this Shrimp & Lobster Ravioli for Josh to test out:


I cooked up the meal according to the package directions and it could not have been any easier (one pot meal!).  I only used about 1/8 the sauce top the pasta. As others have noted, it comes with a TON of sauce (which is better than not enough). Once the meal was ready, I handed over this meal for two to my 6’3”ish husband to attack.


He obviously thought it was terrible ;)

IMG_0044 I asked him to write a little review for you:

“The seafood taste was light and not overpowering. The sauce was impressive for having arrived frozen – although there was enough sauce for 8 plates of noodles.”

So there you have it! After dinner, we headed out to meet friends and to listen to live music. Fabulous.

This morning, I taught Body Step and then headed over to my favorite place to meet Lindsay for breakfast. I got the usual coffee…


and apple parfait… 


We had a blast chatting away (as always!!). And we practiced our self portrait skills:


Thanks for the good times Linds!

After breakfast, I ran home to get ready to go to the pool for some sunshine. Just as I was about to put on the sunscreen, my cell phone rang and it was Josh…he had very badly twisted his ankle playing basketball and needed to go to the ER. After x-rays and an exam, it was determined that nothing was broken- just a very bad sprain (his ankle is ginromous). Poor guy can’t put ANY weight on that leg/ankle for four days and then it will take about a month+ to fully recover. He is hobbling around on crutches.  I was supposed to travel for work this week, so I am working on trying to rearrange my trip. Off to take care of my patient. Whats on tap for you for the rest of the weekend?


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