Sunny Sunday

Hello guys! How are you doing? Hope everyone is doing well and feels well rested for the week ahead! Today was a beautiful, warm and sunny day here in SC. Josh and I crashed pretty early last night and I naturally woke up at 6:45. I rolled out of bed and got ready for a crazy day of To Do's! I started by cleaning the house then ran out and did our weekly food shopping. I came back and headed out for a 6 miler. I just let my body do what it wanted in terms of speed:

Then I took this guy for a quick walk to cool down:

The rest of my afternoon was spent working (blahhh!) and learning my Body Pump choreography. I'm teaching half of tomorrow mornings 5:45 AM class (which I will be taking over in about two weeks!).

For dinner tonight, I wanted something easy. I roasted up the remainder of my ginormous sweet potato from last night and some jicama. I topped them with tons of pinto beans and salsa. On the side I had my usual apple and unpictured glob of nut butter:

For dessert, I had a big mug of hot chocolate topped with truwhip (YUM!). Now I'm watching the Patriots/Colts, Christmas shopping, and doing laundry! Phew!
Whats your Monday looking like? Monday is normally one of my lighter work days, but I have about 6 hours of meetings and some work that needs to get done, so I have to shift my schedule around a bit. Other than that, I have Body Pump in the AM and hopefully some relaxing at night!
Edited to Add: Please check out The Healthy Everythingtarian's effort to bring a new well to the people of Cambodia!!


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