10 Miler & Trip to My Parents

How was your Saturday? Mine was great but I am exhausted :). I woke up at 5:30, got ready for my race, and headed out the door:

It was a cold morning in SC (around 48 degrees) and I was nervous about what to wear. I ended up going with a long sleeved under armour top:
And Nike capris:

The race course was beautiful! We ran two five mile loops through Folly Beach. In the end, I finished my 10 miler in 1 hour, 19 minutes, and around 48 seconds (I couldn't get my watch to stop for about 10 additional seconds haha). I CANNOT believe I ran, at average, an under 8 minute mile!!!!!!!!!! I was so so so excited:

Here I am, post race:

And a few picture from the ride home, beautiful Folly Beach:

Love this gorgeous Charleston Bridge:

I got home, refueled, and then Josh and I headed to my parents house. Josh and my Dad went fishing and I hung out with my mom. We took their dog, Tedy, for a walk on the beach:

And then walked around and did some shopping in a little outdoor market. This is the view out my parents back door:

And here is a picture of my Mama and I:

For dinner, my dad made up plates of tomatoes and mozzarella with olive oil, basil, and parsley:

I had a big sweet potato topped with more mozzarella, tomato, and basil:

They had steak and potatoes:

For dessert, we had the Gluten Free Crustless Pumpkin Pie I made topped with TruWhip:

Guys, this crustless pumpkin pie is AMAZING. The truwhip is also pretty good! It definitely tastes a little different than cool whip but I actually really enjoy the flavor! Give it a go!

Tomorrow I have lots of cleaning and choreography to catch up on! What are you all doing??


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