Weekend in Pictures

I hope you all are having a fabulous weekend :) Mine has been relaxing and just overall very enjoyable! Friday night was a low key night in. Josh and I had a nice dinner and watched a terrible movie (Land of the Lost) and celebrated Frank's Birthday! He turned four on Wednesday while I was on travel. To celebrate- we made him up a steak:

He was one happy pup! Saturday morning, I taught Body Step and went food shopping. The rest of my day was mostly spent relaxing. Josh's friend came over Saturday night and I cooked them up some baked french fries:

And TJ's Buffalo Burgers:

I enjoyed a big ole stuffed squash and tons of fruits and veggies. Yum Yum. I crashed early and got up this morning for a six mile run. It was actually super cold (for SC) this morning. It was around 27 degrees and the puddles from the rain last night had started to freeze over. I had to tip through most of them, but had a great run overall.

Then my parents came up and we headed out to Sea Biscuit Cafe for Brunch. My adorable parents:

Josh and I:

My fabulous Aunt & Uncle:

Josh got pancakes:

And I got the tree huger (yogurt, granola, fresh fruit):

And we all enjoyed coffee :). I got a few things done around the house and then ran out to meet up with my friend Jill. Tonight, I am cooking up some taco salads using a new to me TJs product! Love this store...I wish we had one!

I can't believe tomorrow is Monday already! Are you guys attending or hosting a super bowl party?? If so, what are you making (links welcome!!)? We are having people over and I'm excited!


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